VW Kombi Prepurchase Inspection Central Coast NSW

VW Kombi Prepurchase Inspection Central Coast NSW

This VW Kombi type 2- T2, is an import from South Africa, has had body fitted in Sth Africa and is known as a Jurgens Kombi, has been fitted out as a mobile eatery.

Original vehicle, 2 litre , manual, all in serviceable order, some things to do.

Mobile Car Prepurchase Inspection VW Kombi T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 NSW.

An early VW is always going to be a sound investment for the right 1, there are still 1 owner ’70’s kombi’s travelling around, many were made into different body shapes by known conversion shops.

Parts for VW are readily available as they were still making these models in Brazil until recently. but always use German oil seals, as the South American seals appear to wear quickly.



Mobile Prepurchase VW Inspection NSW